Baby Kobus Johannes 8/9/16

I had a rough night couldn't sleep or get comfortable at all . My hubby held me for a bit , which helped but still couldn't rest good . Well I had a dr appointment at 930 am so I was gonna ask about if labor was near or not . I was having contractions irregular but they were less then 10 mins apart so I did my morning chores in the farm then headed to the dr , I get to the Mitchell ( 45 mins from my house and decide to call bc by now I'm sure I'm in labor , I went to L&D and I was in full blown labor , crazy to think of I didn't have a Drs appointment I wouldn't have went . So I got there at 10:15 and baby was born at 12:34pm it was crazy but well worth it's:)) baby Kobus born via csection 8/09/16