Having symptoms with negative pregnancy test.

Tiara ♋️ • Tattooed mommy of two adorable, silly littles! Jackson Dean age 3. Pepper Lioba age 1! Hoping for little #3.
Hello. For the past 2 weeks my body has been telling me I'm pregnant. I have 2 children so I'm much more aware of how my body changes in the process. Constipation, heartburn, tender breast, emotional for no reason, I'm falling asleep like a log & nothing is waking me up, intense dreams, etc. I also noticed that I didn't ovulate this cycle & I'm always very aware when I'm ovulating. I'm two days late but still negative test. Is this normal? I want to schedule an appointment with my usual ob for tomorrow but I don't want to seem eccentric considering all my at home test have been negative. Any advice would be appreciated!