What can i do

My boyfriend used to text me or call me every one and awhile during the day. We used to be really close. But then we got into a fight and broke up. We are back together but everything is different. He barely texts or calls me. I'm always initiating the texts and he rarely ever replys. I gave him space that he asks for but it kind of hurts that he can't even try to bother with me during the day. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm not even in a relationship i feel like I'm single. All he keeps doing is getting distant from me. And i never even act clingy or needy....he usually clung onto me before we broke up....i feel like giving up because i feel as if to him I'm invisible and don't exist. I feel every time I try to get close to him he goes distant. We used to spend time together a lot and now he rarely wants to be around me even though he says he loves me and cares......

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