hand in mouth all the time

JR • Mommy of four !!!!👦🏼👧🏼🧒🏼👶🏼
So my 8 week Old baby discovered his hand is yummy.... And he won't stop putting it in his mouth!! I exclusively give him breastmilk. Mostly nursing, but the occasional bottle of expressed milk when I am not near him or we are somewhere too crazy.. However the past week his hand is in his mouth all the time, wveryone told me he is "starving" and I have to admit he is being extra fussy. I usually have too much milk that I pump and store it.. But this past week I haven't been able to AS MUCH. He's feeding more and longer. I can't imagine not having enough though with how much extra I usually am able to pump. Hes on both breast until they are soft owe feeding every 2 hours! After each feeding he seems pretty satisfied but then immediately puts his hand in his mouth., and when I hand him to his dad he gets fussy quickly. When it's just me and him I let him stay on there or I will put him back on if he cries but I think he would stay there all day if I didn't take him off sometimes.  should I be worried he isn't getting enough?