Verbally Abusive Ex Turned Physical

When I was 17, my brother committed suicide in my family home so I moved out and I stayed with a family friend. Everything was okay at first then she gave me an ultimatum. I had to date her nephew to continue staying there so with me not having a place to go, I agreed. Her nephew and I were together for almost a year when he started to become abusive and his family would never do anything to help me. One day after almost 3 years together I decided I was tired of his lying, cheating, controlling, and physical abuse. I told him I was leaving at 11pm and he kicked me and beat my face off of a dresser from 11-5am the next morning. His dad finally came in and picked me up off of the floor and sat me on the couch in their living room. He then handed me the phone to call my mom and my ex knocked the phone out of my hand so I turned and looked at him as I said "If you can keep your hands off of me for 30 seconds, I'll stay." He cried and begged me to stay and I didn't say anything and he busted my lip. I told him he couldn't even keep his hands off of me for 30 seconds and I was done. I stood up and grabbed the keys to my car (my dad bought me as a graduation gift but my ex never let me drive) and I began to run past him and he shoved his knee into my rib cage which dropped me to my knees and he pulled his dad's pistol out and put it to my head so I dropped the keys as he reached down to pick up the keys, he hit me in the face with the gun and I grabbed his leg and pushed him as hard as I could which wasn't much considering I was 96lbs at 19 due to me not being allowed to eat and he was 256lbs. He grabbed my face and slammed it off of the sink and I said okay please stop just take me to visit my mom's today and I'll stay. That's all I ask. So at noon he drops me off at my mom's and he continued to drive my car. Before he left he grabbed my hand and asked if I was going to leave him, I said no. I lied. I felt bad for lying but I knew if I hadn't he would've made me get back in the car. I walked into my mom's house and she hugged me and said her and my sister were going into town and I immediately shook and said I couldn't go because he would find out I left the house with them. She talked to me enough for me to feel safe and go eat, while eating she noticed my lip and the bruises on my arm and she didn't say anything at first. Then she could tell I was having some trouble breathing so she said I wasn't going back with him. We went to visit one my sister's who lived in town and her husband had just got off work when we heard a knock on the door, it was my ex. My mom let him in and told him to sit at the table and she pointed to my bruises and asked what happened and with no remorse he said "I hit her" and my mom told him I wouldn't be going back with him. He started to get angry when my brother in law came into the kitchen and he said "you hit her? Get the f out of my house. Any man who hits a woman isn't a man, they're a coward."  He told my ex there were two ways my ex could leave his house he could walk out or my brother in law would throw him out. When I moved back home that day, I went to the er and found out my nose had been broken along with me having 2 cracked ribs and 38 bruises. He was charged with assault and battery. Four years later, I just celebrated my first wedding anniversary on July 25th with my junior high crush. We started dating a month after getting away from my ex and we've now been together for four years. I'm so thankful for this man, he is my saving grace. We're now trying for our 1st baby. I'm sorry this is so long but I just wanted to tell you my story in hopes to reach other young girls that may be dealing with similar situations. Girls, please know there's light at the end of the tunnel and you are far too beautiful and valuable to stay in the dark. You too will find your happy ever after as I have found mine. ❤️