Random smell

So I have never had an odor issue I mean ever, but I just had my period last week. My period is usually between 3-5 days, on my 4th day while I was working I smelt a funky smell. I checked myself and figured it was just because I'm on my cycle and just wait, well Friday the smell was horrible to where I had to run back and forth to the bathroom to check myself, it was super embarrassing.
Now today I showered and everything, checked myself and no smell since it's my boyfriends birthday I decided we could do it anyway he wanted it. I washed myself once more before going for it, well everything was good until he pulled out. My legs were slightly open and I smelled a slight fishy odor, I quickly closed my legs but I know he had to smell it. I mean if I did I'm sure he did to. 
I went to the doctors recently and I had an yeast infection right before my period, I took the pill and stayed away from sex. Could the yeast infection cause an odor and with myself and my bf having sex enhanced it?