VERY GRAPHIC!!! Baby Girl Born Aug.10 2016


The morning of August 10th we woke up like every other day, we loaded our bags in the car and headed to our hospital. At 7:45am we started my oxytocin! I didn't know what to expect! We went over my birth plan with the nurse and decided I was doing good enough to continue unmedicated! The first 5 hours flew by although my body wasn't dilating past 4cm! We tried walking bouncing getting on all fours and absolutely nothing. Around hour 6 my contractions got worse they checked me I was still at a 4! I was in pain begging for someone to stop it and make me better! My poor SO was on the bad end of me screaming at everyone! 

At 2:10pm hour 7 I began to have the worst contractions and screaming my nurse checked me and I was a 9! She barley had enough time to call my dr before my little girl started coming my dr rushed into the room and as she was putting her gloves and cover on she said "if your going to be here for delivery stay if not you need to go now" at about 2:15 I began to push! I pushed three times the dr stopped me and said I can either cut you or your going to tear it's up to you. So I let her do the cut, after the cut we pushed twice and i saw my baby girl for the very first time! My doctor looked at me and told me how proud she was! I went all natural no pain killers at all! Our little Girl was born on her daddy's birthday Aug. 10 2016 at 2:22pm weighing 7lbs 3oz and was 19.5inches
I only had ibproufin! We left the hospital the next day! And are now enjoying having our little girl home with us! 



[one photo removed by Glow per the rules, sorry!]