My buirth story!


On August 4th , 10a.m at 40w6d I got a membrane sweep after begging my midwife to give me one. I was only dilated at a 1. On Friday august 5th in the morning me and my boyfriend (tmi) had sex! At around 12pm I started feeling contractions but they where far apart and I could deal with them. At around 5pm they started to get closer and stronger.. I went by and dealt with it and about 11pm I couldn't deal with the pain and they where 4-7mins apart. I went to the ER just to reassure myself that they where contractions instead of going downtown to the l&D. They ER people told me I wasn't dilating at all and recommended me not going to L&D because I was only in early labor and to 'get some rest'. BIGGEST MISTAKE! I didn't sleep all night because of my contractions and I couldn't deal with them. Sunday August 6th I still had the contractions and they where so bad but I dealt with them! At around 11pm I told hubby we need to go to L&D because I just wanted medicine. It was finally August 8th 12 a.m We went downtown and lady asked why I didn't come yesterday and she said never go to that ER again. I was 41w1d supposed to get induced at 41w6d. They put keep in a room and my midwife arrived. She said they can give me medicine or go ahead and induce me that day! I told her to induce me. We changed rooms and I was only dilated at a 2 and 80% effaced. She put me on Ivs and they stuck me three times before they got it in a vein. I got an epidural and the man put it mainly in my right side. I got to sleep for a little bit but then I felt contractions on my left side. So they kept having to give me more medicine. I started pitocin right after. At 8 am they broke my water. I started feeling contractions again so they had to give me more medicine! At 2 pm I got checked and I was at 9cm!! Everyone was so excited. Midwife said she would check me in an hour. She checked me at around 4pm and she said its time! I pushed for 1 hour and tore my labia. Xiomara Rosa Miller Born August 8th

5:04pm 6lbs 15oz 18.5 in long ! I was so exhausted after 2 days of no sleep! It was all worth it!