EATING OUT. For the future....

Would appreciate helpful advise about keeping the lady business clean and nice, not judgy comments accusing me of forcing my boyfriend to go down on me 😑😒🤔 you don't know me, my boyfriend or the whole story. It hurts people would think/assume I'd be that type of person. 
So my bf doesn't like going down on me. He only went down on me ONCE for not even 5 seconds. And he's only gone down on one other girl before (don't know how long). Anyway he says he doesn't want to do it to me again because "vaginas" gross him out and it makes him want to gag cause of smell etc. he openly said it makes him feel bad because I blow him all the time. How can I help him learn to love me down there? What are some things I can do to make 'down there' smell and taste good? (Edit: I do always shower before I see him. And no joke he literally had his head down there for 3 seconds, he didn't tell me til later on he wasn't a fan of it. And I never force him or beg for it, I never even mention it because it makes me feel insecure and uncomfortable. I just want some advise so he doesn't need to feel afraid of me down there) TO BE CLEAR SORRY LET ME REPHRASE IM NOT LOOKING TO 'FORCE' HIM TO DO ANYTHING. I COULDNT CARE LESS ABOUT GETTING HEAD. I WANT TO MAKE HIM COMFORTABLE IF HE EVER VENTURES DOWN THERE AGAIN IN THE FURTURE. I DO NOT BEG. I DO NOT FORCE. Please don't make assumptions about me, I totally respect him if he doesn't want to do something. I apologise if how I worded my question came out as 'forcing' or anything bad. !!!!!!!ALSO MAY I ADD, since you don't know the FULL story he did say he would try it again if I managed to make it pleasant down there HENSE the taste good question.