Is this nipple confusion or a nursing strike?

FTM here. My baby is 2-month old. She has had no trouble breastfeeding since day 1, and her weight is in the 90th percentile, so we've never been concerned with her latch or my milk supply. She's been using the pacifier and has used a few bottles (pumped breast milk) since she was just a week old. I've never had problems switching between bottle and my breast until yesterday. At first I thought she was on a nursing strike. She refused to latch - whenever I put my breast beside her mouth, she would scream bloody murder. After an entire day of this, I figured out that she will easily take a pacifier so I'd have to remove the pacifier from her mouth then immediate put my nipple near her, this kind of tricked her into latching on my breast so she can eat again. I've been doing this for 3 feedings now (each time, I've tried giving her my nipple directly, which she refused to take). My question is, is this a nursing strike or nipple confusion? (Or something more serious?) What can I do to break this new habit of hers?