Bleeding while having sex

Melinda • Had 4 miscarriages in 2015 and had our rainbow baby December 2016
So Saturday night my husband and I were BD and wasn't any rougher than normal but my husband just happened to look down and there was blood.😪 Like I had started my period.   My heart instantly sank and I dropped to my knees in prayers begging God to not take this baby too. Little back ground...we lost 4 babies last year between 6-8 weeks. I'm currently 20 weeks. We went straight to the ER. My bleeding turned into just spotting and now it's just brown blood. They found our baby girls heart beat and she's moving all around but I still can't help but be scared. I don't want to have sex anymore. They couldn't give me any answers. I'm going to my doctors this morning. Has this happened to anyone else?
Update: went to my doctors and turns out I have a cervical polyp. She can't remove it until the baby is born but it doesn't hurt the baby so that's good news. Bad news, I could bleed every time we BD. 😐