Gained a lot of weight!

So up until my last appointment I had gained only 4 pounds, today was my 28 week appointment and I did my glucose exam. However I have gained 11 pounds since my last appointment. I know I haven't eaten enough food to gain 11 pounds so I'm assuming most is water weight from swelling as well as drinking a lot of water the last couple days because I knew I was going to get a blood draw. (I have terrible veins and know what to do to help the tech get an easier draw). I'm personally not upset at the 11 pounds itself because like I said I know it's not 11 pounds of food I have eaten, however my Dr made me feel so bad. I'm ready overweight and am only suppose to gain 15 pounds total and she seems to think I'm just sitting at home stuffing my face all day. I just wish some Dr's understood that just because I'm fat doesn't mean I don't have my child in my best interest and am not just eating like crazy. I probably eat less now that before because my stomach is squished and I can only eat a bit at a time.