I feel like a failure 😞

Alyssa 👩🏼👶🏼👳🏽
So tomorrow my daughter will be 3 weeks old. I planned on breastfeeding and pumping when I was pregnant. 3 days after she was born she was diagnosed with jaundice and I had to give her a bottle so she got the nutrition she needed because I wasn't making enough milk to sustain her. Well, I'm still not making enough. I've seen the lactation consultant twice now, I take 9 fenugreek pills a day, I pump after every feeding, I've bought Brewers yeast and flax seed. Sometimes DD won't even latch on because she knows there's a quicker way to get food in her belly. After every nursing session, I still need to feed my DD 2-3 ounces of formula. Whenever I pump I barely get 1/2 ounce from each boob. In the morning, I might get an ounce and 1/2 together. 
I just feel like such a failure, and I feel so guilty for wanting to stop breastfeeding. Has anyone else had this happen, did anything help you dramatically up your supply? How do I get over the guilt? 😔