Feeling Hopeful! FINGERS CROSSED!


So this is month 6 of ttc #3. I have 2 boys from a previous relationship and my SO has a boy n girl from a previous relationship. This would be our first and LAST together lol. We've been together almost 4 years and would both love one more child to complete our family.

That being said, this cycle I feel has been different. I've noticed cramping just on my right side. I've been waking up STARVING these passed few days, like a big empty pit in my stomach and if I don't eat, I feel extremely nauseous. I'm so so gassy as well. Feeling tired and emotional. So fingers crossed these are all good signs and I get my BFP, af is due Friday. Any one else due on or around that time ? What are your symptoms? Let's stand together and support each other!! Good luck and baby dust to all!