Chemical pregnancy

Ladies i think im seriously out. Im 15 dpo tomorrow af is due and i swear i have been having every pregnancy symptom due except "ib" and "sore breast" i have had flue like symptomes for the past two weeks growing pains i felt what i thought was ib cramps.. white milky/thick white cm, my feet have stayed cold and i have been exhausted i had headaches 3 to 4 dpo and my urine is very light yellow like it was when i was pregnant with my son..well i gave in and tested this morning and this is what i got.I had very pink faint lines at 12dpo 11 dpo and 10dpo now nothing😭😭😭😭 no faint line no maybes no nothing THIS WOULDNT BE THE FIRST CHEMICAL SINCE I GOT MY IMPLANON TAKEN OUT!! I regret ever getting it. It screwed up my hormones and my body to the extreme. I dont think ill ever be able to bring any more children in this world because of how much it messed with my body.