Praying this is it!

Kamryn • Mama to two daughters & a third daughter in heaven 😇
Today I went to my doctor's to follow-up about my endometriosis pain progressing since March.  She did an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have intrauterine cysts again like two years ago and everything was clear, even the fluids from them bursting two years ago.  She said if for some reason I'm not pregnant within the next 6 months, she will do another surgery on me to remove more endo and suppress the pain.  She also gave me awesome news that she can clear as day see I ovulated TODAY out of my left ovary!  We have been having no luck with opk's because afer stopping birth control my cycle went from 28 days to 41!  We had no idea where to start with the opk's and they are just too expensive to buy over and over for this long of a cycle!  So we would just have sex every day or every other day, and sometimes we would skip couple days on my most painful days hoping for the best!  I am so excited to have found out when I am ovulating in my cycles since they've lengthened!  My doctor told me she'll be surprised if I don't call her in two weeks with a BFP because we've also had sex the last 6 days straight!  Please send baby dust!! We are praying for our rainbow baby!! 😍❤️👶🏻🍼💙💜