Would do It all over again!

Alisha • AMS 8-5-16💕 MGS 11-13-19 💜
For all you nervous mamas patiently  waiting for the arrival of your babies, i just wanted to say that it's true when everyone says "your body knows what it's doing, it was made for this". So many times during labor I felt like I could no longer push (I pushed for 4 hours striaght mind you) I let go of my thoughts, fears, and let my body do what it was made to do. Once I did, my daughter finally  arrived! I was never more proud of myself in my life! It was worth 9 months of being pregnant, 15 hours of labor, and 4 hours of pushing. I would do it all over again tomorrow for my daughter! The love you have is instant! Believe in your body and yourselves! You all can do this 💪😙