Finally A Name

Gina • Unexpected Mom-to-Be. Taking it day by day. One step at a time with my 🌈👶.

This has been difficult for us because we have strong opinions and personalities. Just choosing a name we could agree on had each of us in our battle gears..... It's understandable especially with this being the first child on both sides. He had names picked out for his firstborn child. I had names picked out for my firstborn child. For both girl or boy. So compromise had to begin....

Weeks of communicating why the names we chose meant something to us. Weeks of very loud conversations in our cars, at home, during hikes, and during walks. Weeks of going back and forth with trying other names but not liking any as a team because we can't seem to shake the originals...

We finally have a name... Atlas Jaxon.

*Well for now anyway. With 14 weeks to go things may change*