Our Story


My husband and I had been trying to have a baby from March 2016 to about June. Early July we found out he was getting out of the military, so we decided to put it on hold. We had 0 luck beforehand, so we figured we wouldn't have to worry. We thought maybe one of us was infertile. We were both stressed out of our minds leaving the military and our apartment within a week of each other. I knew my period was going to be late from the stress.

Well, August 10th came and passed. I felt cramps but not painful. My boobs hurt sooooo bad. And my appetite definitely woke up. I tested 2 days later and instantly got a positive. I composed myself and went on. Later, I tested again. Positive.

The next day while getting some McDonald's, I told my husband. The day after we told my mom. My first doctor's appointment is this Friday and then we will tell my Dad.

After trying, heartbreaking, and giving up we have been blessed with what we thought was impossible. Some might say the timing was bad, but I believe everything happens for a reason. Holy cow, I'm going to be a mom!

Technically, I should be 4 weeks going on 5 right now unless the doc proves otherwise. Aside from the occasional food baby I'm not bloating yet.