Is my boyfriend being sexist?

I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year and it's been great, except he tends to be one of those strict boyfriends and what not. He seems to have trust issues with me (checkin my phone, not allowing me to hang out with other males, eat) although I have done nothing to give him the wrong idea. 
I had a conversation with him and he admitted it was partly due to that fact that I had sex with him ~too soon~ 
I had known him for two weeks and had sex before we were even in a relationship, which I guess is soon, but im a consenting, liberated woman, I can do what I want right? 
The main reason I had such a problem with this was the obvious double standard. HE made the exact same decision as me...he even admitted that he wouldn't think that way if I was a guy😠 but he said that was just die to "society's values" and that's why he thinks that. Am I wrong to get angry and call that BS?