My labor story😲

Brittnie • Mommy of 2 🌺
I went to my usual check up this past Friday she checked me told me I was 2cm. So she told me come back Monday if you haven't already had her by then and will discuss induction. Ok fine.. As soon as I left my doctors I was getting a lot of BH but they felt different then the other ones these ones felt stronger so i kept telling my bf uh oh I think she's coming soon he was like wtvr about it cause I would say that with every contraction I felt 😂 anyways we did some school shopping for our son had some dinner at tony Roma's (yumm) and my stomach was getting worse I was timing what felt like contractions and they were only 20min apart.. So we came home around 7pm I tried to rest but they kept coming closer by 1230am I told my bf Ima shower I think we need to go to the hospital so we did just that got admitted and monitored by 130am I was getting them now every 5min omg it was horrible.. They said ok you will have a baby soon cause I was dilating quick when I got there they check me and I was 4cm.. I'm dying already I'm such a baby and begging for epidural they said not until my blood results came back omg took forever FINALLY the anesthesiologist came in and he's taking his sweet ass time with his little cup of coffee like me first please!! Then he does what he need to do and totally forgot to tell me to press the button so I'm dying like omg I can still feel the contractions did it not work!? The nurse seen the button hanging off under the bed and said oh my he didn't tell you, you had to push this button? Oh lord no he didn't!  So then by 530 I'm 8cm & I can still feel all the pressure and pain it was so bad I'm so weak at this point telling the nurses I feel like I have to push they said no you don't it's just the baby dropping I'm like can you please check me I was 10! They than tell me ok let's start pushing remind you it's only 1 nurse! My boyfriend and sis in law I sware ladies I felt like they were my nurses and doc they were coaching me and tellin me how good I was doing and don't give up cumon push more the nurse was literally just telling me ok mommy push when you need to breath for the baby and helping me crown I guess ? And so every time I stopped pushing she would walk out the room come back in go to the computer like" Kay you feel like you go to push come on mommy " I'm getting so mad and sad cause I felt like no one cared and such a failure cause not one nurse Was helping me get thru this how the hell am I ready to push with no one in there!?! It was so bad when I was pushing my legs were so high almost to my neck trying to push and at that moment you don't care where your legs are just get my baby out! I pushed for an hour and a half with my legs that high and I split or slightly tore my pelvic bone? Didn't know until 2 hours after I gave birth.. I couldn't walk or turn nothing.. They thought I was bs'ing I was crying of pain I couldn't even put my legs together I was just molded on the bed until they did X-rays and now I have to wear a band I forgot what it's called around my hips but it's so tight and hurts.. Anyways my labor sucked I'm complaining about that damn hospital lol my precious baby girl was born Maya Penelope CarrascoÂ