Went in at 8am on 10/08/16 to be induced at 37 weeks because baby had stopped growing

Went in at 8am on 10/08/16 to be induced at 37 weeks because baby had stopped growing. We were told to expect the induction to take a couple of days, but half an hour after the pessary was inserted I started having painful contractions every 5 minutes, so I was put on a CTG to monitor them, but it wasn't registering any contractions, so I was left for a couple of hours. The contractions got a lot stronger and I felt a lot of pressure 'down there', and every time I stood up it felt like baby was going to fall out. I was in so much pain overall that I was begging for a caesarean. Well when I told the doctor that she did an internal exam, and discovered that I was 4cm dilated and in active labour, only 3 and a half hours after the pessary was inserted, so I was moved to a private labour room from the induction suite. I was given gas and air, and it was a blessing 😂 I spent the remainder of my labour spaced out telling my fiancé that I was a unicorn 😂 about an hour after I started the gas and air the midwife and doctor were worried about the amount of blood I was losing, so I had blood taken, they checked my cervix and it turned out I was at 10cm, but I was so spaced out I couldn't push, so they took the gas and air away, I started pushing, and 20 minutes later I was holding my son for the first time while the doctor put me on a drip. All in all after a very short labour, Ridley Scott Knapton, my perfect little man, was born at 17.17pm on the 10th of August, 3 weeks early, weighing 5lb 10oz, and I'm in love, so are my daughter and partner. He's perfect, and worth every bit of the pain 💙