Losing my mind! Spotting but no period

I'm hoping someone has some helpful information or at the least has gone through something similar since the unknown of anything drives me mental 😜 
I went off the pill in May after 9+ years. Got my period no issues on schedule June. July was 2 days late (CD 30) on 15-17 (short and light tho normal for me at least normal while I was on the pill - I don't even know what normal off the pill is like anymore lol). My period should have been due this past Friday August 12th. Instead I have been spotting (very lightly with a day or so medium) since Monday the 8th. Sometimes it's brown and kinda goopy sometimes more reddish (mostly after sex when it's heavier for a few min). Not even remotely enough to use a regular tampon except Sunday, however I probably could have done without it then also as it wasn't even half full after 12 hours (and yes I know they shouldn't be in that long). I've taken tests, most recent was an hour ago, completely negative. I'm guessing my body is just figuring itself out after being on BC for so long but I've never experienced this before. Anyone have thoughts? Thanks! Sorry for the long post.