Is this abuse??


When i come home after a good day at school. I see a bed bug on my chair i thought we got rid of them i guess not but my mom makes me feel worse saying that you are the won who brought them in there do not go in my room. So me and her are spraying and vacuuming trying to get rid of them again. So earlier i ate in the living room with a tray when i was done i put away my plate and i put the tray back but i forgot to put my moms little candles back on the tray. So back to when we are vacuuming we finish and as I'm dumping it i try to tell my mom about my day at school she cuts me off and says you need to learn how to talk and move at the same time. But im not like her i cant multitask. So i dump the vacuum and try to continue with my story she cuts me off again and says dont ever eat in the living room again so loud all because i forgot to put the candles back on the tray. This is not the first time something like this has happened. I cant to my mom about anything i cant confess nothing because if i do she will throw it back in my face later making me feel worse. Then she will say you know you can tell me anything right. No i cant. One time when she whooped me she hit me in my eye with the belt i screaming saying my eye my eye she hit me in my arm then screamed in my face saying your arm your arm. Then her boyfriend came in the room to look at my eye and he said i will be ok its only red and my mom was in the back saying im going to jail and crying. This one is more recent i was in marching band me and my mom had a deal to pick me up in the back of the school i said ok so when i go to the back to get picked up its dark everyone else is in the back and its dark its about 12 in the morning i look for my moms car i dont see her so i call her to make sure she is here. She says ya come on out. So i dont see her car at all in the back so i walk to the front and look and i call her again she is mad saying hurry up im saying i dont see u then she says say where are you i tell her that i am in the front she gets so mad at me she just hangs up the phone now i see her car driving up to the front she tells me to get in. Im in the car she is cussing at me saying someone could have snatched you. Then i was trying to tell her that i was looking for her in the back then looked in the front and that my phone wasn't working. And she gets so made at me she yells saying that i dont care and dont talk back to me and she hits me as hard as she can in my chest and i have a medical condition at the time that messes with my breathing so her hitting me hard in my chest just messed me up im crying she says she doesnt care about my chest or that im crying. Now i can barely go one day without her yelling at me or her finding a way to take her anger out on me but the hitting is rare now but she makes my hard and i have a pet rabbit and if i forget to clean his cage to says she is going to take him away from me. Should i go live with my granny in michiga and take buzz with me??

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