talking to black guy with racist dad-HELP!!

okay, so basically ive been talking to this guy for a couple of months now, maybe 5 or 6. he is black and i am white, and both of us are 15. things have been so great between us lately, better than ever. obviously, i have no issue with interracial relationships, but my dad is slightly racist in the way that he'll occasionally make jokes about or pass judgement on people of other races, which is incredibly wrong and i call it out as much as possible. the other night at dinner, my brother, knowing that it would put me in an uncomfortable position, told him that i "like black guys" after my dad made a few racist remarks earlier in the evening. my dad said that he didn't care what race i date, as long as i'm being treated respectfully, but i can't help but think differently. i told the guy i'm talking to about what happened, and now he seems to be pulling away because he thinks it would be weird with my dad. obviously, i don't want to make up excuses for my dad because it isn't fair to let racism slide just because he is my father, but i like this guy so much. i don't want to try to convince him to stay with me because i know that i will never be in the position where i am discriminated against because of my skin tone, and i don't want to undermine his struggles as a black man, because i will never know what it's like. what should i do??