Husband treats me like an object

My husband literally treats me like a sex object and I think I may leave him I spent all day telling him how our sex life sucks for me and he has crazy expectations n never seems satisfied with me it's not enough to have lingerie heels restraints n sex toys after spending time on my knees in the shower and massaging him in bed and changing positions every two minutes I feel like I'm just a prop or that I'm a real life porn site where he's clicking on different videos every two seconds till he's done it's never about me our whole relationship is about him. I told him I recognize my part in our sex life sucking for me and bought karma sutra books and told him I wanted to read about a position then do it the next night so I had time to process and get in the mood all day to come home n try it and he even said he did some research and understood that girls are crockpots and guys are microwaves when it comes to getting in the mood and his solution after listening to me all day was to come home not talk to me n go straight to light some candles upstairs and  then call me. To come upstairs for sex. is he fucking kidding me like really after all day telling him I hate porn expectations n need time to get in the mood he thinks lighting candles n leaving out lingerie for me like the start of one of his movies is sweet and what we need to spice it up. When I spent all day saying I want to start slow with one position a day from karma sutra and on my time. I don't even feel like a person in my relationship. What would you do if your guy was treating you like this?