Worried... AF confusion

RR • Together since 2009 | Married since 2014 | 3 M/C`s | MTHFR | Rainbow baby born 07/02/17💗 #2 Due 12/21/20!!
I'm going to call my dr tomorrow but I'm just really nervous right now and I guess I'm just looking for some positive feedback... AF started Saturday night wasn't due until Sunday. Sunday I had bad cramps and woke up at 5am because it was so painful. Ended up having an upset stomach (sorry TMI) and the pain kind of went away so I wasn't sure if it was from that or AF. Then It was really light all Sunday. Then Sunday night/Monday morning (this morning) I woke up to find I had soaked through my tampon and into my sweatpants a bit. I slept with a heating pad all night so I don't know if that caused it to be super heavy but now I'm only using a panty liner and it's not even getting on there. Only when I wipe there is a little bit on the TP. Oh and I also started AF 4 days late last month and the night before she showed my dr gave me progesterone suppositories to start. So I did one and that was it. Not sure if this makes sense I'm having some anxiety right now because of this and so my mind is all over the place. Any advise or input is greatly appreciated.