So I saw my so a couple days ago, I've been going thru a lot of stuff that gets me super depressed and emotional, he rarely gives time up for me since he's super busy so I've been wanting to tell him to at least try to give me more time since I wanted it to be face to face I told him there. I got a response I didn't wanted. He said "if he gave time for me in the morning, he would be tired for work in the afternoon, and if he gave me time in the evening he will be tired to work in the morning" I got upset and hid my tears. We were getting ready to go eat and he told me to go in my car since he had stuff to do & then I would go home, I was more upset cuz we had sex & right after he wanted to eat & send me home. I got super upset & mad so I told him I wasn't going that I was going straight home. He got mad and left me behind in the street, now since that day he rarely answers my calls. He doesn't talk sweet to me anymore or tell me I love you and when I say it he ignores me. He said I'm a little girl for acting like that & that he didn't want to be dealing with childish shit. I was upset cuz he doesn't want to give me more time & plus the stuff I'm dealing with. I love him so much but I feel like letting go will hurt more, what do I do? My friend says he's just using me for sex. Should I keep trying or give up even tho it kills me.... (sorry for the long post, but I'll appreciate if someone reads it and gives me advice)