Life after rape


This might be a little personal for you all and no one had to answer. Just wondering if anyone else here has been a victim of rape or molestation and how did it affect your life in general, your relationships friends and lovers, and your sex life afterwards.

I was a victim of sexual abuse at 10 when some creep decided to try and sex my 9 year old sister being the big sister I gave myself to him instead of my sister. I felt horrible afterwards and from their I was afraid of sex until 12 when I consented to it for the first time. But sex was still just an act to me. Someone had taken the specialness from it and made it just something to do for me so I strayed away til I was 15. I became pregnant 16 and was raped while running away from home by a group of guys I knew. At that point my hope for men was tarnished and my view of my self especially sexually was I was just an item to be had. Like a hooker. Do me and continue life not ever looking back. I also became afraid to deny sexual favors to anyone male or female due to believing if I say no. They'll just take it anyways. I was raped 2 more times between 16-19. I am a survivor but still every day affects me. I have 3 sons and everyday I pray and teach them NO MEANS NO no matter the circumstances.