
Had my appt yesterday, I'm 38+4, and my dr asked me how I was doing. I went through my list of things that had changed in the last week. I told her about how my feet and hands were swelling and how I could tell a big difference in my weight. I somehow gained 8 pounds in the last week. I've only gained a total of 20 (including this new 8lbs) for the whole pregnancy and somehow, somewhere, gained 8 pounds. Then my BP was high. She started asking me about headaches and blurred vision, etc. 
She had me lie down and rest for a few and rechecked my BP. Apparently it went down, but it's still higher than my usual. Now we are talking induction. I hate to make baby come early, but I looked this up and HOLY CRAP this is some serious business. 
Anyone else experience this?! 
I have had so many crazy things happen with this pregnancy that I feel like it's no surprise, but I mean what next?! He has a small hole in his heart, we had that checked out and further testing will be done when he's born. I had polyhydramnios for the majority of my pregnancy, that just recently went away. I've had to see a specialist for the entire pregnancy, on top of my regular OB appts. Plus he is going to be at least 8lbs. They have freaked me out my whole pregnancy with how big he is and blah blah blah. 
I'm just tired. This is my third and final baby. I haven't even been able to enjoy it. I just want him out and healthy. 
All these complications are new to me.