24 + 6 and uncomfortable already...

With my first pregnancy, I loved being pregnant. I was sick as a dog, but it didn't bother me bc, hey, that's just part of it. I could have went 2 months past my due date and would've been fine with it. I never had that uncomfortable feeling. Well, this pregnancy has been completely different in every way. I am currently 24 weeks and 6 days and have already been uncomfortable for a week. I have had severe round ligament pain. I lost weight in the beginning and have yet to gain all of that back. With my first, I gained 44 pounds, but nothing stopped me. I haven't been sick with this one, but have just felt bad in general. I have also been one of those crazy, hormonal, grumpy pregnant women that fits the stereotype this time around. My poor husband can't do anything right. Sorry to be so whiny, its just good to vent. Any other Mama's feeling the same?