Drying up milk

So it is official that my three month old is having to go to hypoallergenic formula. He can't break down the protein in my milk. We tried switching him back to breast and it was just heartbreaking how much pain he was in. I've come to terms with it, but it was a hard pill to swollow. My question, how long does it take before the engorgement and pain in my breasts is gone?! When we first tried formula I pumped to keep supply up in case he went back and was getting about 55 oz a day. I'm trying to minimally pump and only for 5-10 minutes to take the end ge off. But my boobs are in SO much pain. How long does it last?!?! I already take a Zyrtek every day. I'm going to buy cabbage leaves. Cold compress. It's only day two but HOLY HELL!!!