

2 years ago I had a beautiful baby boy. I love him more than anything or anyone. Sorry hubby lol. He is really my world, but I ended up laboring for 24 1/2 hours naturally after being induced with pitocin at 42 weeks. It was a long process, but little did I know that the worst was yet to come. I couldn't dilate past 5cm, and ended up getting a fever from my water being broke for so long. I also had uncontrollable high blood pressure the last month of my pregnancy.

I ended up having to have an emergency c-section, and all went well. Until 3 days later, I was sent home to recover, and 6 hours after being home I woke from the loveseat couldn't breathe or see... I was bawling

Come to find out I had a pulmonary embolism--2 blood clots in each lung. They called me a walking miracle, and I underwent almost a year of coumadin and lovenox therapies.

I am now pregnant finally with my second baby. I am so excited and terrified. I really worry about reliving my crazy trauma or possibly not being so lucky this time around--I know I shouldn't worry about that but it's a thought implanted in the back of my mind.

My first Dr's apps is in a week 1/2. And I am not sure when they'll have me start the injections. I know it will be twice a day into my belly, and I have to have another c-section as I am not allowed to labor. I also was told I am extremely high risk.

Just wondering if anyone has advice or had experienced this?

Thank you for reading this lengthy journey, and good luck to everyone!