I had a miscarriage 2 days ago😭


Sad to say and very unfortunate i had a miscarriage 2 days ago😢

Ive had 2 previous miscarriages😮 and now this one will be my 3rd😯

After my 2nd one ive had a hysteroscopy/D&C due to my obgyn believing my fibroids was the cause.

So i was very hopeful this pregnancy was ny success story but i was proven wrong.

It happen at 5 weeks same tine as the others😢 and they found a 2.2cm fibroid and a cyst but obgyn said he dont believe where there located there the reason.

So next Thursday i have to get tests run on me since its my 3rd m/c.

Do anyone know what kind of tests they run? & if any one has experienced what i have did u find out why u kept miscarrying?

I just dont understand whats wrong with me im only in my late 20's😟