What do all the acronyms mean?

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

Here is a brief introduction to some of the most commonly used acronyms on our website and app. Feel free to add to the list. 

TTC - Trying to Conceive

DPO - Days Past Ovulation - used to keep track of the days of the luteal phase.

BBT - Basal Body Temperature - Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your lowest body temperature in a 24-hour period. The best time to take it is when you first wake up in the morning. Before you even get out of bed to brush your teeth or start your day, pop a basal thermometer into your mouth. (This kind of thermometer shows the very tiny degree changes that a regular one can't.) It's important to try to wake up and take this reading at about the same time each morning.

OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kits - These are test strips you can buy at a pharmacy that you use to determine when you are about to ovulate. Recently there are more advanced digital versions.

HPT - Home Pregnancy Test – These are hormone tests that you can take at home to determine if you are pregnant. If done correctly, they can be up to 99% accurate.

CD - Cycle Day - indicates what cycle day you are currently on. CD 1 is the first day of your period.

CM - Cervical Mucus - Every woman produces cervical mucus. It is a discharge that can vary throughout the cycle. It can be tacky, sticky, egg white, and lotion like. It can be clear, white, and sometimes yellow tinged. Many women find the cervical mucus check to be the best way to predict ovulation. In general, as the day of ovulation approaches in your cycle, your vaginal and cervical mucus should increase (i.e. become more moist) and the consistency should become slippery and clear (such as that of egg-whites). This type of clear, slippery CM helps sperm to move faster and to survive longer within the female’s body giving the best chance for fertilization of the egg. You can check your CM by looking at the toilet paper after you wipe or by inserting a clean finger into your vagina and reaching toward your cervix (which is deeper inside). You're likely to find more CM if you check after a bowel movement. Some women check after they shower every day. It is helpful if you check at roughly the same time each day so that Glow can get consistent measurements.

EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucus - The increase in estrogen around ovulation causes a female's body to produce an abundant amount of cervical mucus. This creates a sperm friendly environment that is ideal for conception.

LH - Luteinizing Hormone - This is the hormone that surges causing ovulation. It is what OPKs check for.

HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - This hormone is what a HPT tests for. It is the pregnancy hormone.

Luteal Phase – Most women have a consistent period of time between ovulation and their period. This is identified as your luteal phase.