I love him but he's a bum

I'm absolutely head over heels in love with my boyfriend of 11 months. I'm 17 and he's 18 we've been on and off for three years. But he's not doing anything with his life , he has no job no money no education and he isn't making any effort to get a job or get another college course. All he does is go skating all day everyday he barely sees me because he's 'busy' by busy he's out with his friends skateboarding. In 2 weeks his mum said to him she can't financially support him if he hasn't gone back into education or has a job. He's known this for the past 5 weeks yet hasn't made any effort to get one, he hasn't even put in effort to meet my dad because he's out with his friends who are all much younger than him. He thinks he's going to make a life out of skateboarding when it's not realistic, I mean it's not he needs a job but he's made no effort to get one, and he never has any money when he gets money off his mother he spends it on tobacco he never takes me out or spends even a little bit on me ( i know it's not all about money but in the year we've been together he's never bought me gifts or flowers or even took me on a date ) and I don't know what to do anymore I try and help him with finding jobs and stuff but he never listens a or has motivation to proceed. What do I do? I'm so lost , he's going to be homeless soon and I can't support him financially :( I love him to bits and seeing him so uncaring is making me embarrassed and sad as his girlfriend :(