No BFP because of implantation?

chey 🐝🌻 • Mommy to be 10/24/22 🤰🏼; Pregnant with PCOS. ✨
This same day last week I went to the bathroom and had brownish discharge/pink discharge. I've been feeling very sick, dizzy, sore boobs, headaches, loss of appetite (not like me at all), & very very very tired. (Side note: I've been ttc for over a year and have PCOS) So I've been testing for about 5 days all which were either vvvvvvvvvvvf positives/negatives and one indent. Could my negatives be because I'm still having implantation and don't have enough hCG to dectect on a strip test? 
This was today
This was last Wednesday 

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