Sometimes motherhood sucks

Motherhood is so beautiful, but it's also a whole mess of crazy. The only side of it we usually share is the perfect moments, not the less than perfect-wouldn't be caught dead outside the house like this- moments. The days when the kids are about to make you lose your mind or pull your hair out, or both. The days you cannot get a single second to yourself without demands being made of you. The never ending pile of laundry that still manages to sneak up on you even though you've donated countless trash bags of unneeded and outgrown clothes. When you swear your head is going to explode but the baby is crying so you can't take any Tylenol because you haven't eaten and you're not about to battle a stomachache on top of the raging headache. The moments when you are just about to hop into the shower for the first time in days and the sweet, blissful sleeping baby was woken up by a sibling who is freaking out because it's bedtime and they don't want to sleep. When every single, simple task you ask your older child to do is returned with an eye roll, endless whining and thousands of excuses for why it can't be done. Finally collapsing on your bed so tired you can barely move, but you can't sleep because your mind is reeling with all of the tasks left undone because the kids were unruly and the fact that you have even more to get done tomorrow. Knowing that any sleep you get has the potential to be interrupted by a sick kid, a thirsty kid, the dreaded nightmares, a hungry kid, or even the fact that you just remembered something and you HAVE to write it down or it will forever be lost to mommyhood. Knowing that you are on-call 24/7. Researching remedies for illnesses and trying your best to make sure the sickness doesn't spread to everyone in the family. Worrying every day that you will somehow get it wrong. Praying that your children will grow up with the respect and morals you want them to. Praying for their safety and worrying about them every second you are apart. Knowing that someday you will have to let them go off on their own and spread their wings which kills you just a little bit inside. 
But you know what's awesome about all that? We would never for a second think about quitting the never ending job. We would never for a second take our beautiful children for granted. We love our children with every fiber of our being and would give even more of ourselves to each one of them if we could. We know that for every single rough day with the kids, there is a woman out there who just wishes they could be in our shoes. There are so many wonderful moments, so many rough days, but so much reward in what we do, day in and day out. So slather those babies in some lavender, kick up your feet and watch the craziness unfold, take a day off and like my favorite various authors say: "May the Force be with you, May the odds be ever in your favor, Always."