This sucks. All stored breast milk gone. 😢


Woke up to find our fridge/freezer is barely running. All of our groceries are spoiled in both and I don't know if our apartment complex is going to reimburse us, but even worse is the loss of nearly three month's supply of breast milk. How do you put a price on that? I'll never be able to build that back up with how much my baby's eating now.

It's just especially frustrating since we'd put a work order in about the fridge a couple weeks ago because the freezer wasn't getting very cold. I thought the problem was taken care of but I guess not. This just sucks so bad.

Edit: just talked to the office and they will not reimburse the groceries. Said we have to talk to our renters insurance. After the deductible, it won't cover the cost anyway.Â