I need more sleep. Rant

Since my LO was born my husband and I have been trying to be as fair as possible with our sleep. But I think I've been a little more generous. I EBF and he won't take a bottle. He's up every two hours from 10pm-6am. Once 6 am hits he sleeps very light and wants to be held for it. I try waking my husband up so he can hold him and I can sleep until 8 when he has to get ready for work. He gets up once around 4 to let the dog out and goes right back to bed (which to him is an exaggerated "up three times a night with the dog"). When I try waking him up I get "ugh babe..." And he's goes back to sleep. I tried 3 times this morning & gave up. Now he's all pissed because I won't let him take the baby now (when he's due to eat at anytime) so I can sleep. Sorry but it's not worth it to me to sleep for 15 minutes and then you wake me up to feed him! I might as well stay up at this point. Ugh 😠🙄. Why can't men lactate too? Lol