annoying husband

I am so fed up with my husband right now it's not even funny. Little one kept me from getting good sleep starting at 5 am. He had gas that wouldn't pass so we were up every 15 mins for several hours. So at nine I gently wake my husband and explain why I'm so tired and ask if he could get up and be with the kids while I got a little bit of sleep. His response? "I get up at 4:30 for work every morning" as he rolls over to go back to sleep. 😒 Awesome info dude. As if I didn't already know that. I'm not asking you to get up at 5, I let you sleep in. I could have woken him at 6,7, or even 8. Wtf. He's starting to act like his job is so much harder and I'm getting to vacation at the house everyday and it's pissing me off. As if that's not enough we are trying to move out (we live with my mother in law) (not her house tho, it's a shared household. Complicated to explain) and we've wanted to move out for four freakin years, it's FINALLY happening and mr. Obnoxious is being a negative nelly about the whole damn thing! There's a specific rental I want and getting in has been a roller coaster ride, but he's standing on the sidelines while I ride it leaving me completely alone on the highs and lows and it's really starting to frustrate me. In the beginning of having Kyle hubby was great about attending to my needs, but now he's slowly getting more and more selfish and I am so frustrated. It DOES NOT help that we havnt had sex in 3 1/2 months (birth control reasons and he won't wear condoms) but now with this rotten attitude I don't even want to! 😡😡😡😡 thanks for letting me vent guys. Am I overrreacting or does it seem fair to be P.O.'d right now?