HELP: I was feeling all the symptoms

So obviously I've been TTC. I track my ovulation with glow, me and my partner had sex throughout the week before and during my most fertile week. Then after ovulating, I felt light cramps for two days. I knew they were implantation cramps.. And after that I started feeling all these pregnancy symptoms. My body started to feel different, I just knew something was up. So I knew I couldn't take a pregnancy test until a couple days before my expected period which was 8/26 but this morning on 8/19 I woke up with my flew blown period. I'm bleeding super heavy and these cramps hurt so much. 
I just want to know is it possible to still be pregnant? How long has it taken some of you ladies to get preggo? And what has this journey been for some of you? 
Because in all honesty, all I want is to be pregnant and have my little family of my own. ):
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