Annoyed & have had enough!

So my baby is 3 months now and I have been with my SO since he was 16 and I was 18 (on and off) he's 25 now and I'm 26 about to be 27 next month...we had a miscarriage about 3 yrs ago so I thought everything was going to be perfect once my baby girl was born but he's only been alone with her for an hour and a half and even then he was texting me the whole time to go back home! He goes fishing and hangs out with his friends whenever he wants to but when I want to go have some alone time it's the end of the world but today he really pushed it I accompanied my mom to go to the dentist in Mexico and he kept calling me saying I was taking too long and to hurry so he can go hang out with his friend he hardly even holds her or talks to her he says she's too small and I'm the mom so I'm the one that should care for her he does work and help with buying her things and in his mind that's enough so he shouldn't have to take care of her soooo sorry ladies but I need advice!! Should I give him the silent treatment to get through his head? I've already talked to him about it and I just don't know what I should do even his mom is on my!!!