Overthinking? Marriage?

My man and I have been together 5 years on the 28 of aug we have a 3 month old and i just think that i deserve at least a promise ring by now. But that hasnt happened we have touched the topic of marriage but he doesnt sound like he wants to ever get married but then at times he will say one day wen we get married i want a big wedding so it confuses me. We been living together for 3 year now and i have password to all his acct and take care of all the finances ect. I also feel left out the baby has his last name i dont want the baby to one day wonder why i have a different last name as they do. Im confused am i wrong for wanting more than just the title of his girlfriend and babys mother? He once said the only way he would get married would be if we did a prinup not cuz of me but because how the system makes everything such a mess which im fine with.