Pregnant or what?

Brianna • Don`t we all just love MOTHER EVE? 🙄
Sooooooo girls. Last month my period came late. I always get it every 15th of the month. Last month I got it on the 18th. It was pretty normal.. So this month it was late again, and I just got it at 2:30 AM (August 20th) So I'm pretty late. But this period is wayyy different like its dark brown it's so not the same color as my regular period. I took a test this morning it came out Negative. I've been feeling weak, and tired for this month and I don't know why like I'll wake up from a nap and 30 mins later I'm tired again. So what's going on? What should I do? What does this mean? The funny thing is I always give people advice far as pregnancy talk but now I'm clueless for myself. 😔😒🙄