Anyone else having a bad day? Venting post.

I'm just not in the effing mood today. I'm on like 5 hours of sleep I had to babysit last night they didn't come home til 3am which they should of been back by like 1:30,2 at the latest. I had to work this morning which annoyed me because it was dead(not a surprise but usually have a little rush) so I didn't make anything for money today then I was more annoyed because they put up a sign about uniforms that we can't wear yoga pants(which probably referring to me and maybe the other young girl idk what she wears then there's 3 other women but much much older)then the work shirt which they haven't ever gave me since I've been there for 4 months(yeah that small&shitty of a place)but something about buying one. So pretty much the whole weekend I'm working just to buy a work shirt and pants and I wanted the extra money to get fall/winter decorations since my paycheck for my other job is going to be low and i have to pay the rest of my bills then. I have a family birthday party I feel obligated to go to when I'm dead ass tired. I was hoping my SO would do the dishes last night since I made two different dinners before I had to babysit and work today and go to that party, but no I'm expected to do everything. My one day off Monday I gotta go deal with my college bs because I have no idea when my class is suppose to start I see that classes start Tuesday/Wednesday but idk where I'm going or nay thing about it, I've looked it up, I never had emails about I don't know shit. And they keep saying I owe over 1,000$ by this day because my finanale aid hasn't gone through which it has I called the FA department and they said they have everything so I shouldn't have to pay anything. Oh then I come home from work an hour ago and some jackass is parked more than half way in my drive way vertical! So I had to drive through my grass and whatever and there's all sorts of space to park. Man I'm just ready to punch someone today. Sorry for bitching it's just not my day.