Being a oil field wife is hard....

So I have suffered from abandonment issues my whole life... Mostly because both my biological parents did drugs when I was growing up they threw my sister and myself off on anyone who would take us... I was in and out of foster homes and steady jumping from family member to family member.. I also have suffered from depression... When I was 16 I was taken in by my now dad and mom. They raised me and helped me through a lot... But those issues are still there... I am in medicine for it.... But now that my husband has a job with nabors and he is gone for 14 days at a time I can't help but to feel abandoned... Although I physically know that's not the case but emotionally can't handle it.... Ik he wouldn't do anything like cheat on me or anything like that but the way my mind works I get those feelings all the time.... I have a 7 month old so trying to stay positive but these feelings are starting to take control over me... I've spent the last 2 days in my bed with my baby and I know that's not healthy for her or myself.... I have an appointment Monday to talk to my doctor about to see if they can do something to help... Idk... I feel stupid for feeling like this... And I feel like a horrible mom for putting Amelia through this...