I need serious advice

Okay I have been with my boyfriend for about 2 years now. He has not always been this way this is just recent. He has started to become irresponsible he has began to hang out with his friends more than he cares about his own bills. Mind you due to him being irresponsible, he ended up living with me for a year but currently got his own apartment again but because I feel like he's not paying attention to his bills I can see an eviction coming real soon I pray it doesn't because I do not want him as a roommate but I feel like it's coming because he's not paying his bills he's more concerned about Vegas and birthday parties than his rent. He has always sucked at saving money. I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant. He sent me a text message telling me he's not ready for another child he already has a five-year-old from a previous relationship anyway he's not ready for another child because he doesn't think he can afford it. I honestly think it's a load of crap and anything you want to do you will make a way to do it no matter how impossible it may seem. He asked me to take an abortion pill before you even respond to this my answer was hell no but I feel like maybe if he stopped trying to keep up with all his friends and trying to impress them and actually paid his bills on time and paid attention to his life and stop caring about what everybody else is doing in their life then he afford anything he wanted. Is this just a phase he's going through because he has a second child on the way or is this who he's always been and he's just starting to show it? I'm so close to leaving because I refuse to be with somebody with no ambition and no sense of stability.