Getting so fed up 😔

My fiance and i have been together 6 years and he has a child from his previous relationship. Things were bad last year with his ex and she made things very difficult to co-parent. They finally have a court ordered custody agreement and things have been very good between all of us since around the beginning of the year. I was finally happy that everything was settled and there was no more huge arguements. The first 3 months were great. Around the 4th month things started to change. My fiance was making plans with her and not talking to me about it to make sure that we didn't already have plans plus he wouldn't tell me til the day of that we had plans for a get together with the ex for his child. When i make plans for us i tell him so he knows about them but he is very forgetful. So i accommodated to this stuff so we didnt have to miss out on seeing his child. He has 50/50 custody so we see his child regularly but we always want to be involved in more when his ex allows us to be. Then they started texting and talking more some of it about the child some of it just about themselves. Its slowly got to a point that he seems to prefer to talk to her than me and our relationship hasnt been as good as it used to. He will answer every phone call from her or respond to every text right away even when its not about his child. I can barely get him to answer his phone when i call him and its like an hour before he responds to my texts. The other night i was furious because we were starting to get intimate and i had gone to the restroom. While in the restroom he got a phone call from her and he answered it. I came out not knowing it was her and just kept going along to keep the mood going thinking it was one of his friends and the call would be quick. When i laid down next to him i could hear her so it instantly turned me off. We ended up arguing because he wanted to continue but of course i wasnt in the mood after that. His ex is married and there is no chance of them ever getting back together so im not concerned that he could be cheating with her. Im glad they are getting along but i feel as though im being replaced. It seems as though he is putting more effort into them rather than us and it has been taking a toll on our relationship. The balance we had at the beginning which made all of this great at first is now not there. I dont feel appreciated or wanted anymore. I have talked to him about this pleanty of times and of course it will change for about week and then go right back. Im to the point i dont know what to do anymore and i dont just want to give up on the relationship. I really want to make it work for us and his child. I just dont know how to get him to see that he needs to nuture our relationship and put time aside for us ex free time.

Edit: also when i do talk to him about it he seems to think im making him choose between his daughter or me. When in reality i want his ex not so involved in our lives. She isnt a nice person and she constantly vies for attention from guys and she does do things to get to me like little comments to step daughter or being flirty with my fiance when her husband isnt around. I know she must be getting a kick out of this even though she really wants nothing to do with my fiance. Im sure the only reason she is being nice is because she has something up her sleeve.