
Taylor • • Mommy • Wife •
Yesterday, I did my gender reveal to announce to the world my boyfriend & I are having a boy. These three are myself (all the way to the left) My brothers girlfriend (middle) and my cousin (right) we are all due with our babies 2-3 months apart. Plus, we found out that another one of my cousins is also due right in the middle of the other two. March 20, 2017, March 21st, 2017 & March 23,2017.
I am due January 6th, 2017.... It's great my son will have cousins his age for his entire life like I did (and I did appreciate having cousins my age very much!) But, with all these girls in my family being pregnant at the same time as me I am feeling jealous I guess. Why couldn't I just be the only pregnant one at this time? I want everyone to be so I love with my son for as long as possible! But, I feel with all these pregnancies we won't get much of a spotlight when he is born. 
What are your thoughts on how I feel? My boyfriend doesn't understand because he isn't the one carrying the baby. He's just excited for our first baby. Which I am too, but there is so many other times where everyone else could have gotten pregnant, I was first 😢